How to reach Guruvayur?

Guruvayur Railway station


To visit the Guruvayur Temple and around Guruvayur, you need to know how to reach Guruvayur. You can avail of the following transport options to reach Guruvayur .

Guruvayur is 4 Km away from National Highway-66 (Panavel-Kanyakumari Highway) and is connected to all important towns in South India. Guruvayur is half an hour drive by car from Thrissur (Trichur). State-run buses ( KSRTC ) & passenger buses are plenty which are connecting all the major cities in Kerala.

Thrissur Railway Station to Guruvayur -30Km

Ernakulam Railway Station (Junction/Town) to Guruvayur – 85Km

Cochin Airport to Guruvayur – 80Km

Calicut Airport to Guruvayur -80Km

Trivandrum to Guruvayur -290Km

Railway stations are either Guruvayur Railway Station (GUV) or Thrissur Railway Station (TCR) depending on the train. Thrissur Railway Station is a major railway head in South India, most trains stop at Thrissur. Prepaid taxi service is available at the railway station. Passenger Train and Buses are also available from Thrissur to Guruvayur Station/Stand, which is about a Ten-minute walk from the Temple.

Cochin International Airport and Calicut International Airport are the nearest airports. Cochin to Guruvayur (80 km) and Calicut to Guruvayur (80 km). Once you reach at any of the airports, you can hire a taxi to reach Guruvayur. Calicut and Cochin are connected to most of the major cities in India and have connected flights to many foreign cities.

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